
This project combines features of the smart plant and smart light projects to create a Smart Home project.
It uses 2 voice triggers - one that can be used to fetch an update about the state of your smart plant, and the other that uses a servo motor to control a fish-feeder when you say ‘Good night’.

What you'll need:

Cloudio-Raspberry Pi setup
Moisture sensor

How-to Video:


This project contains 2 main sections -

1.Plant update section
You can use the blocks from the Smart Plant project to create the section that responds to your voice command and updates you of the current moisture levels.

2.Fish feeder section
You can design a simple fish-feeder setup that uses a servo motor controlled by Cloudio. You can open and close the feeder container by rotating the servo motor.
This section also uses the Digital block to control a bulb through a relay. The bulb is turned on when a Voice command is received and turned off after the fish are fed.

The blocks used in this section are -
Delay - to ensure sufficient delay between opening & closing the feeder
Digital - to turn off the bulb on and off through the relay
Speech - to play an audio message on the speaker in response to the voice trigger.